We’re all expected to fit a great deal into our everyday work life. In aged care the care, updating of new information and the mounting administrative tasks seems endless. How do we prioritise everything to cover all those bases? There’s no short answer. Dividing tasks into urgent and important, with urgent taking first place in the day seems to be one way to go.
Personally, I write down each evening before going to bed, the 6 most important things I must accomplish the next day. I put them in order of importance. I don’t move onto the next one until the previous one is completed. Of course, there will be unexpected interruptions and on the spot occurrences that interrupt the flow of the day, but my list always takes me back to order. Sometimes though others really can sort those things and they don’t all need my immediate attention. Delegation can be very useful. Micromanagement isn’t always necessary.
Looking at the resident or loved one from their perspective is always my top priority. What’s important to them? Sometimes it’s a very basic need, such as eating and drinking safely and comfortably. While those of us without any difficulties in those areas may not give it a thought, our loved ones with swallowing problems give it many, many thoughts each day.
Even the most highly trained nurse can benefit from a quick reminder about swallowing safety, especially the fairly recently revised food and fluid modifications set out by the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI). We can never be too educated when it comes to our loved one’s safety and comfort in eating and drinking. Spare an hour to become 100% up to date, for the sake of those with swallowing challenges.
Email: support@safeswallowing.com.au
Address: 10-14 Fairlight St, Five Dock 2046
0416 273 059
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