We’re All Juggling Many Things

Barbara Braithwaite, Safe Swallowing Team • September 13, 2021

There is so much going on in the world right now. We can’t deny that these are challenging times on so many levels. It can be quite overwhelming. We all need support to navigate a situation that is unparalleled for us.


There are those who are caught up in social isolation, unable to spend time with family and friends, restricted from visiting loved ones in care, those who are unwell, those who are struggling financially, those who have difficulty accessing basic shopping needs. Then of course there are our wonderful care staff who are handling not only the care of others, but also need to be mindful of their own personal needs.


Whatever else is happening in our worlds, one thing remains a constant, no matter what. Something those of us who don’t have swallowing challenges, take for granted. The basic needs of eating and drinking. We can’t ignore them. We can’t overlook them even periodically. We can’t pretend any challenges in that area aren’t happening. We simply have to face them, every day, in fact several times a day.


At Safe Swallowing Education, we have a lot to offer. We offer safe swallowing education for the aged care sector, disability sector, home caring, ready-made modified foods, Safe Swallowing Education courses for those sectors and a course for Catering staff. We want to offer you a place where you can access all the information you need to gain awareness, knowledge and understanding of everything to do with Dysphagia – a swallowing problem.


We know that education empowers you to be confident with a suspicion you may have about someone having a swallowing issue. We know education enables you to provide the best possible care for your loved one at home or a resident in care. We know you relax in the knowledge that support for your particular need, be it knowledge or access to modified meals, is available.


Thank you for visiting our site. We are here to help. Get in touch if we can help further:  Email us at support@safeswallowing.com.au

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